I went to Shinji's house instead to help him smash up his copper scythe handle. Too bad he asked me to do it when I'm in a happy mood. Otherwise, I'd finish it faster, hahax~
Then we went to MOC and played Monopoly. By the end of the game, there were me, Shinji, Seturu and Jinggong left. I got about $50000 by the time MOC was closing down, lolx.
Wanna know why?

Jinggong kept landing at Ardmore Road, and Setsuru kept landing at Orchard road. So they kept paying me more than $10000 every time. XDDDD

Before the end of game. I'm filthy rich. X3
And the funniest thing that happened was everyone kept landing at Geylang Road. I was the owner, so i kept getting "prostitute" money, haha. but $20 everytime... >_>
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